Mental Health is a crucial part of a small business, are you in control ?

The ATO quotes that one in five people in the workplace experience some sort of mental health condition. Stress, depression or anxiety can take a toll on your ability to run your business as well as your overall quality of life.
We encourage you to reflect on your mental well being, and the well being of those around you. Seeking support early is important in avoiding a problem before is becomes to late. This may be talking to us and you family GP in the first instance. Your GP may refer you to a mental health practitioner and assist you on this journey.
If you find yourself struggling with your mental health and are having difficulties meeting your tax and super commitments, there are also options around contacting the ATO to discuss your situation further. Some clients because of Anxiety, need us to help with the phone call to the ATO. That is completely fine and we are here to help.
ATO Services are as follows:
Next steps:
Contact us to discuss your situation further.
Contact you family GP for an appointment to discuss your personal health issues. If required they will arrange for further treatment.
You can contact the ATO directly if you would like to take control yourself Contact the ATO on 13 11 42
Learn about some of the common warning signs that suggest you should reach out for support, there is a video on the ATO website with further details Click Here